
Does thinking about college seem overwhelming? 

Do you know where to begin? 

Let's start at the beginning to make it a little easier 

Lists of top rated colleges/universities around the United States


America's Top Colleges


Best Colleges in America

College Rankings

The Princeton


Important things to consider

College or University? 

A college is usually smaller than a university.

Think about is the size of the school.

Would you be more successful in a smaller school or at a larger school. 

Remember- a larger school mean more students!

Stay close to home or go away to school?

Do you want to commute or do you want to live on campus?.

Living on campus in a residence hall provides students with an opportunity to become more independent and responsible for his/her own choices. 

College Expenses

Here are some other options to help pay for college

Start a college fund while your children are young. Put money in the account monthly and it will add up to help pay for college.

Academic Scholarship

Athletic Scholarship

Work Study Program- Students work on campus

Financial Aid or Student loan

College Activities

There are a lot of activities on a college campus. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people.

Popular activités include: Greek life, intramural sports, community service clubs, religious groups, organizations for majors and supporting the college athletic programs

Find the activities which are best for you!

 Major- All college students have to decide what their focus is going to be and pick a major. A major is going to define which courses to take and in which order. Some students go into college knowing what they want to study. Other students don't have any idea and go into college undeclared until they figure out what their major should be. 

To choose a major- 

  • Think about what you want to be- which occupation is interesting to you?
  • What are you interested in? Picking a career can be tough, but make sure that you pick an area that is of interest to you.
  • If you're not sure, take different classed and see if you find any of them interesting.
  • Choose a major that you like, one that will make you happy. It's easy to pick a major that someone else wants you to choose, but ultimately it is about you that matters!