Make your competition fun and exciting by encouraging parents and their children to participate in a bookmark challenge. It is a great homework assignment that compliments the daily reading rituals in school and at home. Let your creative juices flow!


Bookmark Gallery 2019


Bookmark Gallery 2018

Step 1

You’ve decided to have a bookmark contest in your school or organization, so now you need to pick the date.  Having this contest can be anytime of the year, preferably right after a vacation or a 3 day weekend would be ideal.

Step 2

Determine the awards.  Trophies are the best dust collectors. They’re great visual memories that families love to display and brag about.  Other options are certificates (which are filed away), ribbons, gift cards, special passes (homework, recess, computer, etc.) and food.

Step 3

Who gets to vote?  You always want to get the kids involved in all aspects of a contest and this area is no different.  If you have a range of grades, let the kids vote for their favorite bookmark on the grade.  Don’t forget the adults.  We like to get involved too, so voting for the most creative bookmark makes the most sense.

Step 4

Materials – You don’t need many materials for the final display. You will need: a table cloth for the table, construction paper or books to lay the bookmarks on and chips or ballots/pencils for voting.

Step 5

The Big Step.  Crafting the flyer can be a lot of work, so we created a sample for you.  You can use our sample or make your own.

Step 6

Distribute and hang up the flyers 2-3 weeks before the contest and wait to be amazed!